recherche soins palliatifs suisse

Liste des projets - Détails

Titre / Sujet

Gratitude as a determinant factor of well-being and quality of life in palliative care patients


09.2014 – 12.2017

Brève description

Numerous studies, mostly realized with non-clinical populations, have shown a significant link between gratitude and crucial dimensions of palliative care (e.g. psychological distress). However, the relevance of gratitude in the palliative context still needs to be verified. The aims of this research are (A) to evaluate the association between gratitude (evaluated as a personality trait) and quality of life, psychological distress, post-traumatic growth, and health status for palliative patients; and (B) to assess in which manner these variables are predictors of quality of life. Another goal is (C) to assess which domains are identified as sources of gratitude by the patients. Using an exploratory and cross-sectional design, we interrogated 64 palliative patients of the Lausanne University Hospital with validated questionnaires. Quantitative analyses were then performed on their answers. Our results suggest that gratitude may act positively on quality of life, and may represent a protective factor against psychological distress. The adaptation of gratitude-based interventions to the palliative context represents the next research step.




Palliative and Supportive Care Service, Lausanne University Hospital

Direction (du projet)

Mathieu Bernard


Fondation Leenaards

Mots-clés (in english)

Gratitude, Quality of Life, Psychological Distress, Post-traumatic growth


Bernard, M. (2015). Le sentiment de gratitude en soins palliatifs : un facteur psychologique contribuant au bien-être et à la qualité de vie ? Psycho-Oncologie, 9(2), 115-120


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